Crewservises team consists of people, who know firsthand everything about work at sea and understand what applicants and employers seek.

We provide crew recruitment and selection for any type of vessels, based on our profound experience. We’ll do it fast and well, as we’re good team players and work consistently. Be sure that we will provide you with:

- individual selection of applicants from our constantly updated database;

- qualified interviews with candidates;

- personal and professional appraisal and rating of candidates;

- professional training of your employees and personnel.


We improve our mobile app and site every day.
We have a licensed training centre where seafarers can get their certificates of international sample and where seafarers can pass Delta test to confirm their qualification.

Delegate recruitment tasks to the team, which successfully unites interests of both seamen and their employers for over 4 years already.

Drop us a line at: or come to our office: build. 20d, Generala Armii Yepisheva str., Astrakhan, Russia
Any questions or doubts? Call us: +7 (8512) 69-15-88,  +7-999-645-28-09.