Services for the company
Free registration
Register and fill in your company details for free: name, location, logo, and contact information.
After confirming the email address, you will receive a company promo page and access to the general CV database on the Crewservices website to search for candidates for the ship.
You can work with vacancies and services in your personal account.
Placement of vacancies
On the Crewservices website, you can post vacancies without restrictions for free.
To do this, it is enough to register on the website and confirm your maritime activities.
After adding a vacancy, all seafarers who are suitable for the position will receive a notification about the new vacancy by email and in the Crewservices mobile app.
Open all contact data and extended Application Form database
The extended access service allows you to get a separate access to the entire CV database and open the contacts of all CVs for communication with seafarers by email, phone or via an internal chat on the site.
On the page of the extended CVs database, additional filters are added for more convenient and accurate staff recruitment.
There are 60 932 CVs in our database.
Special offer!
Register now, confirm your maritime activity and
get Extended Access for 3 days for free!
Размещение в социальных сетях
Публикация вашего объявления (по морской тематике) на стене наших сообществ.
490 руб - пост в ленте;
590 руб - пост в ленте + сторис в ВК и ИГ;
Список наших сообществ, где будет опубликована ваша новость:
- ВКонтакте - (14000+ подписчиков)
- ВКонтакте - (16000+ подписчиков)
- Instagram - (4300+ подписчиков)
- Одноклассники - - (1400+ подписчиков)
- Телеграм-канал - - (1900+ подписчиков)
- Телеграм-чат - - (3400+ подписчиков)
Для получения более подробной информации можете писать сюда:
- в директ
- в Телеграм - tg://resolve?domain=crewservicesclub
Highlight the vacancy
Make your vacancies as noticeable as possible, so that the sailors will pay attention to them.
After activating the service for the selected vacancy, it will be highlighted with a background color and a bright outline, which makes your vacancy most noticeable.
Service cost: 50 rub.
Validity period: until the end of the vacancy activity
Ad placement
Placing ads on the frequently accessed CrewServices bulletin board is an effective way to advertise your services and vacancies.
To increase the effectiveness of your ads, the following options are available:
- Highlight ad forever
The ad becomes more visible, which increases the views and conversion rate. - Fixed ad
The ad is placed above the others for 24 hours on the 1st page of the list of ads.